Pony, Errors, and Logging

Last year I decided to use the Advent of Code to practice writing code using the Pony programming language, and the first few days I struggled with error-handling—it took several days before an approach finally clicked with me. This blog post describes my thought process as I worked to that approach. (Don't worry, I'm not going to spoil any of the problems: I use two small out-of-context code snippets from my answers here, but you won't get any insight into the problem or their solutions from them!)

Pony is a language that I've been interested in for a while. It's an object-oriented language designed around the actor model of parallel programming, and it uses a sophisticated type system to prevent things like data races in parallel code. Rust is well-known for the various static guarantees that it gives you regarding data parallelism: Pony gives you even more guarantees by using static capabilities that permit or restrict various operations within or across actors.1 It's a fascinating (albeit complicated) system, and I'd encouraging reading through the Pony tutorial to get an idea of the flavor. (You'll see hints of these features in the example code here, but I'm mostly going to gloss over them: they're not what I want to focus on here.)

Pony is also not much of a language for hastily-constructed one-off programs, the kind you often want to write in coding challenged like the Advent of Code. Pony demands that you handle errors very explicitly, and makes it impossible to use values without handling errors somehow or to compile programs that have unhandled errors.

“Ah, like Rust or Haskell?” you might ask, but not exactly. While Rust's Result-based error handling does have this property, Rust also trivially lets you defer errors to runtime: you can scatter unwrap anywhere, or expect a good result and panic otherwise. And Haskell? Haskell is full of partial functions, of errors and undefineds, of thrown exceptions from ostensibly pure code! By Pony's exacting error-handling standards, Rust might as well be the wild west, and Haskell is Fury Road. No, if I call a function that purports to return an integer in Rust or Haskell, that method may instead slam its way back up the call stack (or, in Haskell's case, the lazy soup of thunks that it has instead of a call stack) with a panic or an exception.

Pony, however, has no such easy escape hatches. Because of the realities of physical computers, yes, a Pony method may crash for reasons outside its control, like failing hardware or solar rays mysteriously flipping a bit in RAM, and because Pony is a Turing-complete language, a Pony function might still loop forever. But there's no convenient unwrap or error to be found in Pony: besides infinite loops and the computational equivalent of acts of God, a Pony method that claims to return an integer will return an integer.

When Code Goes Wrong

Of course, we do need to report errors somehow, so Pony does have a way of raising errors! It's just a very explicit way of raising errors. In Pony, methods can be partial, which is a way of explicitly indicating that the method might not return a value. All partial functions are marked with a question mark, and within a partial function you can raise an error using (of course) the error keyword. Let's work with a simple example: a factorial function which accepts signed integers, and thus needs to indicate an error condition when its argument is negative. (This factorial example is contained within a class called Math, but given that it's a class with no fields, you can think of it here as though it's just a namespace that contains the method.)

class Math
  fun factorial(n: I64): I64 ? =>
    match n
      | 0 => 1
      | let x: I64 if x > 0 =>
          x * factorial(x-1)?

Notice that both the definition and the use of factorial need a ?. All partial functions, both when defined and when used, need to have a ? afterwards: Pony will not compile our program otherwise. So clearly we need to be explicit both when we create and when we propagate errors, but what about when we want to recover from them? For that, we use a try block, in which we can call partial functions, and then an else clause afterwards that will run if anything in the try block produced an error. Here is a main method for our program that tries to print a factorial but will print an error message if its argument happens to be negative. (It won't be in this case, as we've passed the constant 5, but Pony won't let us compile our program unless we have handled every possible partial function!)

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
      env.out.print("Something went wrong!")

This looks pretty uninterestingly like exception-handling in most mainstream languages today. But when I raised an error, I just did so with error: what if instead I want to throw or catch a specific exception? Say I want to call my factorial function on one of the arguments passed to the program on the command line. There's more that can go wrong with this program: maybe the user didn't pass enough arguments, or maybe they passed an argument but it was a non-numeric string, or maybe it was numeric but it represented a negative number. What do we do?

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
      let arg_str = env.args(1)?    // try to fetch args[1]
      let arg = arg_str.i64()?      // try to convert it to a string
      let fact = Math.factorial(5)? // try to compute its factorial
      env.out.print("Something went wrong!")

We can handle all of them, but if we want to distinguish between them, we're out of luck. Pony does not allow you to throw different exceptions or catch specific ones: all you get is error and an else case to recover from it. All partial functions raise the same error when observed from the outside2. What's the alternative?

One alternative is to go the functional route: use a return value. For example, Pony allows us to define primitives, which are types that have only a single value. Primitive types have many uses, one of which is that we can use them like error tags. Pony already does something like this extensively: for example, it uses the None primitive as a return value sort of like Rust or Haskell's (), but also combines it with union types to act like to Rust's Option or Haskell's Maybe. Let's rewrite our factorial as a total function, one that might return a number or might return a custom error tag which I'll name ArgIsNegative.

primitive ArgIsNegative

class Math
  fun factorial(n: I64): (I64 | ArgIsNegative) =>
    match n
      | 0 => 1
      | let x: I64 if x > 0 =>
          let r = match factorial(x-1)
            | let y: I64 => y
            | ArgIsNegative => return ArgIsNegative
          x * r

Well, that's... clunkier than I'd hope. Specifically, our recursive call in the middle there became much more verbose. What happened?

This approach is not terribly different from Rust's or Haskell's error-handling, as both of those languages use explicit Result or Either types. The difference is that both of those languages have syntactic sugar to make working with those types less onerous: do-notation in Haskell and the ? operator in Rust. If we didn't have ? in Rust, we would have to do similar clunky pattern-matching, because every recursive call might not return a value, and we would need to pattern-match on the result to either extract the successful argument or propagate the error:

struct ArgIsNegative;

fn factorial(n: i64) -> Result<i64, ArgIsNegative> {
  match n {
    0 => Ok(1),
    _ if n > 0 => {
      let r = match factorial(n-1) {
        Ok(y) => y,
        Err(e) => return Err(e),
      Ok(n * r)
    _ => Err(ArgIsNegative),

But Rust does have syntactic sugar for that, so a practical version of this in Rust is a lot more readable:

fn factorial(n: i64) -> Result<i64, ArgIsNegative> {
  match n {
    0 => Ok(1),
    _ if n > 0 => Ok(n * factorial(n-1)?),
    _ => Err(ArgIsNegative),

Pony lacks that kind of sugar, which is why using this pattern in Pony is more of a hassle. Not impossible by any means, but you end up with some much more difficult-to-read code. So when I started writing my advent-of-code examples, I struggled with this: I wanted informative errors so that I could understand where my code went wrong and how to improve it, but manually matching on and returning these values was a hassle. And it was worse than the toy example of factorial: consider this (slightly modified) method from my actual solution which was supposed to fetch three values, all which might not exist in the input, and wrap them in a convenient wrapper type:

  fun ref build_operands(): (Operands | Error) =>
    let lhs = match get_value(offset+1)
    | let v: Value => v
    | let e: Error => return e
    let rhs = match get_value(offset+2)
    | let v: Value => v
    | let e: Error => return e
    let tgt = match read_storage(offset+3)
    | let i: I64 => i
    | let e: Error => return e
    Operands(lhs, rhs, tgt)

That's a lot of boilerplate for a conceptually simple operation: call three helper functions, propagating errors if any of them fails, and then wrapping the result values in an object if they all succeeded!

How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Side-Effects

That's when I realized that I was thinking like a functional programmer, which was making me produce worse code.

Fundamentally, what did I want out of my errors in this program? I wanted two basic things:

  1. I want code that can abort when an error condition happens.
  2. I want to know what error condition happened and transmit back some information about why.

In a functional or functional-inspired setting like Haskell or Rust, you tend to break down problems into individual expressions that reify program states as values. A successful program state is represented by value tagged as 'successful' (called Result::Ok in Rust or Right in Haskell) and a failed program state is represented by a value tagged as 'failure' (called Result::Err in Rust or Left in Haskell). But Pony is also an object-oriented actor-model language, which means it naturally allows us to think about systems with encapsulated state.

While functional programming endeavors to make programming more tractable by removing all state changes and pushing you towards functional purity, object-oriented programming endeavors to make programming more tractable by encapsulating state changes into smaller chunks that are easy to understand in isolation, ideally chunks whose encapsulated state is either trivially reasoned about or even non-observable. Both functional programming and object-oriented programming are intended to sidestep the need for side-effecting assignment statements: in a functional setting by reifying everything into values that never change, and in an object-oriented setting by allowing objects to manage and guard their own internal state in response to external messages. In fact, Alan Kay even said as much in The Early History of SmallTalk:

Though OOP came from many motivations, two were central. The large scale one was to find a better module scheme for complex systems involving hiding of details, and the small scale one was to find a more flexible version of assignment, and then to try to eliminate it altogether.

So let's stop thinking about factorial as an individual pure function, and instead let's put it into a system which might contain encapsulated state: that is to say, an object. In particular, this object can include a queue of errors which it has encountered. Let's also put the meat of factorial into a private method (indicated in Pony with a leading underscore) write a slightly different public method which calls to our internal implementation:

class Math
  // a mutable queue of error messages
  var _errors: Array[String] = Array[String]()

  // our internal implementation
  fun ref _fact(n: I64): I64 ? =>
    if n == 0 then
    elseif n > 0 then
      n * _fact(n-1)?
      _errors.push("Negative argument: " + Format.int[I64](n))

  // our external interface
  fun ref factorial(n: I64): (I64 | Array[String]) =>
    try _fact(n)? else _errors end

This isn't exactly error-handling the way we traditionally think about it. Really what we're doing here is logging: when we encounter an error, we add it to our error queue and then bail. We can use the simpler partial function handling (which litters some question marks around our code but doesn't require the verbose explicit control flow of earlier examples) and yet an external caller can still get informative errors about what went wrong. The core of this approach is that it separates out the two error-handling concerns I described above: exiting early is accomplished with Pony's implementation of partial functions, while reporting useful errors is now handled by state that's only observable internally. An external caller shouldn't even know that any kind of state change was happening: it just gets either a number or an error, and calling it multiple times with the same argument should produce identical return values: it is still an externally pure function.3

In the above example, we only ever had a single possible error message, but this approach scales easily as we add more errors. Let's say we wrap our argument-handling logic into this factorial class, too, so that it takes the argument list from the command line and tries to print the factorial of the first provided argument:

class Factorial
  var errors: Array[String] = Array[String]()

  fun ref _fact(n: I64): I64 ? =>
    if n == 0 then
    elseif n > 0 then
      n * _fact(n-1)?
      errors.push("Negative argument: " + Format.int[I64](n))

  fun ref _fact_main(args: Array[String] val): I64 ? =>
    let arg_str = try args(1)? else
      errors.push("Not enough arguments"); error
    let arg = try arg_str.i64()? else
      errors.push("Non-numeric argument: " + arg_str); error

  fun ref main(env: Env) =>
      for e in errors.values() do

In this case, I'm using strings for my error messages, but there's no reason I couldn't have typed errors, as well. I could, for example, define an Error interface and push structured data instead. This trivial example doesn't show it, either, but the biggest win here is not from the place where you throw the error or the place where you catch it, but rather the intermediate places where you would need to propagate errors. What does the build_operands function I showed before look like with this scheme? It's about as simple Pony lets you get:

  fun ref build_operands(): Operands ? =>

It might fail, but the errors message are squirreled away elsewhere and you are no longer required to handle those explicitly, so all you need to do is sprinkle in a ? to propagate the error! The entry-point into this whole system can handle error-handling, abstracting away the existence of the error queue entirely.

The Point Of No Return

There's actually a bigger win to handling errors in this way, which is that this is a good way of handling errors in a parallel setting.

Remember I said at the beginning that Pony is an actor-model language? If we declare an actor instead of a class, then we can define not just methods (using the fun keyword) but also “behaviors” (using the be keyword). A behavior definition looks a lot like a method definition, but they're not identical semantically: calling a behavior is an asynchronous operation, so it's not guaranteed to run immediately and your won't wait for it to finish before continuing4. Because of this, behaviors can't return anything: after all, by the time a behavior is running, the original calling code will probably have moved on!

Pony does guarantees that a given instance of an actor will never run more than one behavior at a time. Each behavior invocation is a added to a queue for the actor on which it's invoked, which means that actor can freely mutate its own local state without fear of data races or anything: behaviors are sequential with respect to the actor they're on but behavior on different actors will run in parallel.

A consequence of this is that we can't rely on return values to communicate information between different actors, which means Result-like error handling was never going to be useful in that setting anyway. Instead, actors are must invoke behaviors and pass around values in order to communicate information with each other. That means that our error-handling-as-logging system is already well-suited to working in this setting!

One thing we could do, for example, is write our own “error log” actor. We give this actor access to an OutStream (which might be a handle to stdout or stderr or maybe a file) which it can use to report errors. This actor has two behaviors: one of them is err, which adds an error to its log, and the other is flush, which writes all the errors it's seen to whatever stream it was initialized with:

actor ErrorLog
  var _errors: Array[String] = Array[String]()
  let _stream: OutStream

  new create(stream: OutStream) =>
    _stream = stream

  be err(msg: String) =>

  be flush() =>
    for msg in _errors.values() do
    _errors = Array[String]()

With our ErrorLog in hand, we can now rewrite our factorial in to log those errors asynchronously. In this case (for simplicity) I've left factorial as a synchronous method, but we could also rewrite it as its own actor which can compute its value in parallel, reporting it to one actor if it succeeds and reporting errors to our ErrorLog if it fails.

class Math
  // our internal implementation
  fun factorial(n: I64, log: ErrorLog): I64? =>
    if n == 0 then
    elseif n > 0 then
      n * factorial(n-1, log)?
      log.err("Negative argument: " + Format.int[I64](n))

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let logger = ErrorLog.create(env.err)
      let n = Math.factorial(-5, logger)?

Is This Actually How You Write Factorial In Pony?

Absolutely not! That'd be ridiculous. A factorial implementation should take an unsigned integer so that factorial will be total and you don't need to worry about getting a negative number in the first place. Or, if your argument really needs to be signed, you can just return 0 for the negative cases and then guard against that happening elsewhere5. One way or another, this whole mess is in no way necessary just to write a factorial!

But this error-handling strategy is completely reasonable, because it both scales and parallelizes to the kinds of programs you're likely to want to write in Pony. Once you start having multiple actors doing multiple things, you're going to need something less like return values and more like logging anyway. It just required a bit of a shift in focus when I first came to it, thinking less in terms of a closed world of expressions, and more in terms of the broader world of independent systems. It's no coincidence that thinking about actor systems running in parallel requires that shift anyway, and Pony simply makes it natural to think in those terms!

  1. While Pony is designed to be a high-performance language, it is not as low-level a language as Rust, nor does it aim to be. There are broad parallels between the two in that Pony has features analogous to Rust's linear types and can use them to get guarantees around parallelism, but it does not give you tight control over things like allocation, and it also requires a larger runtime and a garbage collector. A better point of comparison might be Erlang: imagine building a typed Erlang safely from the ground up and you'd get something much closer to Pony.
  2. There's a long-open RFC about adding typed errors, which may change this in the future, but as of right now we've got nothing.
  3. Even if you don't know Pony, you might notice that I'm lying here! If I call Math.factorial each time, then we'll actually be re-initializing an instance of Math each time and therefore a new _errors array each time, and it'll look fine. However, it's possible to instantiate the Math class and then call factorial multiple times using that same instance of Math: this will result in a growing number of errors, because we haven't cleared the _errors array between calls. There are several ways to fix this, but an easy way takes advantage of a Pony-specific feature: the assignment statement in Pony returns a value, but it specifically return the previous value of the variable being assigned to. This means, for example, that swapping two variables can be done with a = (b = a): the expression b = a will assign the current value of a to b, and then evaluate to the previous value of b, which we then assign to a. This is an unusual decision, but there's a good reason for it that has to do with Pony's implementation of ownership and uniqueness, where assignment ends up serving a purpose similar to Rust's std::mem::swap. In our program, though, it means we can in one terse expression set the _errors array to a new empty array while returning the previous contents of _errors:

      fun ref fact(n: I64): (I64 | Array[String]) =>
        try _fact(n)? else errors = Array[String]() end
  4. If you're used to Erlang or Elixir, then you can think of behaviors as a statically typed kind of message-sending: each behavior invocation is a message with a particular expected payload of data.
  5. Sure, that means there's ambiguity that your user needs to distinguish, but it's not an unreasonable way of tackling this problem! You might have heard about one of Pony's more controversial choices, which was to define 1/0 = 0. This is a completely defensible choice and hopefully you've seen in this article why Pony's very strict error-handling strategy would otherwise necessitate a lot of work to handle every possible division operator otherwise.